Get a discount card
Discount system

The discount card discount is added to special, promotional and social discounts. Card discounts also apply to special offers, with the exception of studies performed in Europe, Russia and the ISAC test.

The card gives the right to receive a discount to the registered person, as well as to his family members and friends. To exercise this right, it is necessary to know the full name of the owner when presenting the card and announce it to the registrar of the OLIMP treatment room.

The discount card is cumulative. The card gives you the opportunity to get a 5% discount on the services of KDL "OLIMP" and the network of medical centers "DiVera". If the volume of payment for services exceeds 350,000 tenge, the discount increases to 10%, and when savings exceed 700,000 tenge, the discount increases to 15%. Services paid for at the KDL "OLIMP" and MC "Divera" are summed up on the discount card.

General conditions for obtaining a discount card

The discount card is issued by the administrator of the treatment room. To receive it, you must fill out a form and provide an identity card.

Preferential categories of clients

Participants and disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War are served free of charge (with a 100% discount), regardless of the presence or absence of a discount card, based on:

  • Certificates of a participant in the war, issued by the bodies of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Certificates of a disabled war invalid issued by the bodies of social protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The following categories of clients are eligible for an additional 5% discount (the total discount on the discount card for these categories of clients is 10%):

  • Children under 18 years old - on the basis of a document confirming their age;
  • Persons equated to participants and invalids of the Great Patriotic War - on the basis of a mark in the pension certificate for persons equated to participants and invalids of the Great Patriotic War on benefits and guarantees;
  • Pensioners (recipients of state social benefits for the loss of a breadwinner, by age), disabled people, as well as mothers of many children (from 4 children), mothers of pendants "Kumys Alka" and "Altyn Alka" - on the basis of relevant certificates, certificates and certificates

Discount card holders can also take advantage of free SMS-notification services about the readiness of results and the possibility of receiving test results by e-mail.

For those patients who are registered in treatment rooms and fill out questionnaires on paper, we also provide the opportunity to receive a card as a gift.

The discount card discount is added to special, promotional and social discounts.