
Apolipoprotein B

Apo-B is a component of atherogenic low-density lipoproteins (LDL), which promotes the absorption of cholesterol by cells. This test is considered as a more reliable criterion for atherosclerosis for one important reason – it is formed in the body, and does not come, like cholesterol from food. Therefore, if a person initially has a low apo-B level, then cholesterol flows to a lesser extent from the intestine into the cells. With a high concentration of apo-B, the opposite happens.

The definition of only one apo-B test is not informative enough. It is also necessary to investigate apo-A1 to calculate the atherogenicity coefficient (CA)


  • A1 1.04 – 2.02 g/l 1.08 – 2.25 g/l
  • B 0.66 – 1.33 g/l 0.60 – 1.17 g/l
  • B/A (coefficient of atherogenicity) 0.45 – 1.25 0.35 – 1.15

If B/A – above the norm, the risk of atherosclerosis is high, if below the norm – but low.