Glucose (blood sugar)
Glucose is the main substance necessary for the body to obtain energy for its vital functions. Blood glucose concentration reflects the carbohydrate metabolic conditions regulated by the central nervous system, liver and hormones.
Glucose is obtained from the carbohydrate food - bread, potatoes, pasta, sugar, sweets ... If necessary, it is stored in the liver, excess is involved in the formation of adipose tissue.
There are many reasons why glucose levels can rise or fall, both are equally detrimental for human health.
Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) – represented with general weakness, decrease to critical numbers cause the hypoglycemic coma. The patient is unconscious, rushes about, suffers from hallucinations. Its sign is cold clammy sweat. This condition is possible for the following reasons:
- Fasting (for example, prolonged binge - the patient takes only alcohol, but does not take any food)
- Severe hepatic diseases (cirrhosis, cancer )
- Pancreatic diseases (insulinomas - degenerated body cells secreting large amount of insulin - hormone lowering the glucose level )
- Insulin overdose (in diabetic patients)
- Anabolic hormonal drugs - increase the rate of glucose processing
- Inflammatory brain diseases (meningitis, encephalitis)
- Congenital fermentopathies - carbohydrates absorption process is disturbed in the intestine.
Hyperglycemia – high blood sugar. The main sign is diabetes mellitus. The reason is insufficient insulin secretion (glucose "fails" to be processed) or cells that cannot absorb sugar in the required concentration are defected. Excess glucose causes severe disturbances in the body structure. First of all, small vessels suffer - "diabetic microangiopathy". The vascular wall is damaged as well as the organ at the same time where blood flow is interrupted- retina of the eyes, kidneys, heart, feet - are suffering. Arterial hypertension is developed. The second negative factor is favorable conditions created by sugar for the microbes reproduction, the slightest damage to the skin can heal for weeks.
Test for blood sugar is a screening method to diagnose the diabetes mellitus - that is, the most accessible method to determine a risk group from a wide mass of population for further detailed examination.
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