Lactate (lactic acid) is the final product of glycolysis, the process of intracellular “combustion” of glucose aimed at getting energy. Moreover, lactate is discharged when the given “combustion” occurs without oxygen. After unhabitual intensive physical work due to no supply of blood to untrained muscles (that carries oxygen), lactic acid accumulation occurs that is manifested by the pain in those parts of body which had the maximum load.
Growth of lactate concentration reflects the degree of tissue ischemia, that is insufficient blood supply. Since lactate is an acid, then its oversize amount can lead to the acid-base disturbance of the blood which is manifested by severe comatose conditions. For instance, hyperlactatemic coma during diabetes mellitus. Lactate level in the blood increases proportionally to the level of oxygen deficiency.
Lactic acidosis (“acidification” of the body by the lactic acid) occurs due to two main reasons: Due to decrease in oxygen transfer to the organs of the body. It can occur during cardiovascular or respiratory system diseases. Because of lactic acid increase during cancer diseases, alcohol abuse, hard and long-term physical load, epilepsy.