
"Diabetes mellitus diagnostics" profile

The profile, for which a special price is provided, includes the following tests

  • Blood glucose
  • Glycated haemoglobin
  • InsulinUrine glucose
  • Urinalysis (ketones)

Diabetes mellitus diagnostics profile is intended to detect diabetes and to monitor its course.

Glucose is a screening test to diagnose and assess the severity of diabetes mellitus;

Glycated (glycosylated) haemoglobin - a more accurate method of diagnosing diabetes as it can show an increase in blood glucose levels not at the time of blood sampling but over a month.

Insulin is the main hormone involved in regulating the concentration of glucose. When it is deficient, it leads to diabetes mellitus.

Urine glucose - normally there is no glucose in the urine. The amount of glucose in the urine is an indication of the severity of diabetes mellitus.

Ketones in urine - ketone bodies are produced by diabetes mellitus. Their detection in the urine is one of the signs of the disease.

Attention! There is a special price for the profile!