
"Thyroid Examination Extended" Profile (hormones and trace elements)

The profile includes these analyses: 

1. Iodine, a trace element, is essential for thyroid hormone synthesis. In adults, moderate iodine deficiency increases the incidence of hyperthyroidism due to toxic goitre. Exposure to very high doses of iodine decreases thyroid hormone synthesis. Dramatic increases in iodine intake in iodine-deficient regions can also cause autoimmune thyroid diseases.    

2. Selenium is an essential trace element that helps in thyroid hormone metabolism and antioxidant systems.  Severe selenium deficiency can cause thyroid dysfunction and lead to the onset or progression of autoimmune diseases.  In patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, selenium supplementation may reduce the anti-TPO antibody titre. Zinc - helps regulate the production of thyroid hormones. Zinc deficiency affects the endocrine system, including the thyroid gland.    

3. Zinc - helps regulate thyroid hormone production, needed for DNA and protein production. Zinc deficiency suppresses thyroid hormone synthesis.    

4. Ultra-sensitive TSH is a hormone that regulates the function of the thyroid gland.  Its result makes it possible to assess thyroid function (hypo-/hyprefunction)    

5. Anti-TPO is a protein compound that increases in the presence of autoimmune thyroid disease in the body and is a marker of this process in the body. AT-TG and anti-TPO tests are used to confirm or exclude the autoimmune nature of a thyroid disease, for example: enlargement of the thyroid gland without impairment of its function. They are also administered to children born to mothers with endocrine pathology to determine the risk groups for thyroid gland diseases.    

6. T3 free - the main two hormones produced by the thyroid gland, analysing the level of the main hormones T3, T4 free fractions is the first and most important step in determining the quality of the thyroid gland in any suspicion of thyroid disease.    

7. T4 free - the main two hormones produced by the thyroid gland, analysing the level of the main hormones T3, T4 free fractions is the first and most important step in determining the quality of the thyroid gland in any suspicion of thyroid disease.    

8. Anti-TH is a protein compound that increases in the presence of autoimmune thyroid disease and is a marker of this process in the body. AT-TG and anti-TPO tests are used to confirm or exclude the autoimmune nature of a thyroid disease, for example: enlargement of the thyroid gland without impairment of its function. They are also administered to children born to mothers with endocrine pathology to determine the risk groups for thyroid diseases.