
"Overweight Problems" Profile

The Overweight Problems profile is intended to assess the condition of the body when it is overweight, and to identify the cause that has led to obesity.

Obesity is not always a consequence of overeating. Often obesity is a co-morbidity caused by other conditions such as hormonal imbalances or liver disease. The diagnosis of obesity is made by calculating the body mass index (BMI), which you can calculate yourself using the formula:

BMI = weight (кg) / height (м)2.  

  • The result is compared with the table:
  • 16 or less Severe underweight
  • 16—18,5 Underweight (deficient)
  • 18,5—25 Normal
  • 25—30 Overweight (pre-fat)
  • 30—35 First degree obesity
  • 35—40 Second degree obesity
  • 40 and more Obesity III degree

The profile includes the following tests :

  • Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)Aspartate aminotransferase (AST)Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)Gammaglutamyltransferase (GGTP)Direct bilirubin and general  make it possible to assess the condition of the liver.
  • Total protein and Аlbumin –  is the body's protein balance and the amount of nutrient transfer protein.
  • Glucose (blood sugar)Glycosylated haemoglobin  are necessary to diagnose a common consequence of obesity - diabetes mellitus.
  • TriglyceridesTotal cholesterolHDL,and LDL – characterise fat metabolism and the severity of the atherosclerotic process. Their ratio is used to calculate the atherogenicity index.
  • TSH , free T4 (thyroxine)  and Anti-ТPО – are screening tests to assess the thyroid gland, which regulates metabolism in the body.
  • FSHLHProlactin hormoneEstradiolTestosterone  and DHEA-sulphate  – hormones that directly affect human body weight

Attention! Comprehensive examinations for "Overweight problems" have lower prices than individual examinations

Read also: "9 facts about obesity"