"Radiant Skin" Beauty Profile

"Radiant Skin" Beauty Profile will help you to find out the cause of acne, pale skin tone.

By eliminating the causes, you will be able to significantly improve the condition of your skin, and reduce your costs associated with cosmetic manipulations.  

The Profile includes:

  • Ferritin, the most reliable marker of anemia.
  • TSH (ultrasensitive), a marker of metabolic activity.
  • Estradiol, the main and most reliable indicator of hormonal health of the female body.
  • Testosterone, judging by its correlation with the estradiol level, we may talk about the balance / imbalance of the hormonal system.
  • DHEA-sulfate (dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate), one of the functions of this hormone is to regulate sebum activity. Excess sebum activity can lead to acne.
  • IgE (immunoglobulin E) - for ruling out an exacerbation of an allergic reaction 
  • Glycosylated hemoglobin - glycosylated hemoglobin - to assess blood sugar concentration over the last 3 months. Non-healing pustular skin lesions are one of the signs of diabetes mellitus. Diabetes mellitus can also cause protein deficiency, due to diseased kidney and increased breakdown of proteins.
  • Total protein - proteins are an important component for building skin cells (including collagen). Protein deficiency slows down the processes of skin renewal, externally manifested in increased dryness,  exfoliation.


Since there are hormones in the profile, women are required to take the profile on day 3-7 of their cycle.