Profile "Diarrhea"

Diarrhea is frequent unformed stool that occur several times a day, for several days. The causes of the disease may be different, for example:

  • bacteria and viruses, acute diarrhea is often caused by rotaviruses, adenoviruses, salmonella, E. coli and other infections
  • helminth infestation, diarrhea can be caused by protozoa (giardia, etc.) and parasites
  • taking antibiotics and other medications;

Diarrhea is especially dangerous for children as it leads to general dehydration of the body

The Diarrhea profile will help to identify or rule out the cause. It includes the following:

  • Manual analysis of feces for protozoa and helminths
  • Lamblia antigen detection in feces
  • Occult blood detection in feces
  • Analysis of feces (Coprogram)
  • Rotavirus antigen in feces
  • Feces culture for pathogenic microflora with determination of antibiotic sensitivity.