27 August 2024
OLYMP CDL is launching the first advanced chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) among clinical diagnostic laboratories in Almaty

HPLC-MS/MS method is implemented on equipment of the world’s leading manufacturer Sciex, which guarantees ultra-sensitivity and high accuracy of tests. This method allows for detailed and highly reliable determination of the concentration of amino acids, enzymes and other key components involved in metabolism. Such studies are crucial for an objective assessment of the patient’s metabolic state, detection of both hereditary and acquired metabolic disorders. HPLC-MS/MS also determines water- and fat-soluble vitamins, as well as steroid hormones, which are important for diagnostics and monitoring of endocrinology treatment.

In addition, HPLC-MS/MS has proven itself as a highly effective approach to find narcotic and psychoactive substances in body fluids. It is of prime importance, when combating drug addiction and substance abuse. Monitoring drug concentration and their metabolites in the body is one more significant domain of using this technology. This allows for more precise control of the drug therapy effectiveness and safety.

More than 575 million KZT has been allocated in order to implement this project, which emphasizes its importance and scale. Earlier, in 2021, a similar laboratory has been successfully launched in Astana. It also should be mentioned that in Almaty, Olymp is going to launch element tests similar to those already being undergone in Astana. Agilent inductively coupled plasma mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) will be installed this autumn.

Through the experience it has been found that HPLC-MS/MS and ICP-MS launch has significantly improved the accuracy and efficiency of medical tests, which has contributed to the improvement of the country’s healthcare system.

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