29 July 2024
Installment plan from Halyk Bank in the treatment rooms of OLYMP CDL in Almaty

Take a step towards health: taking tests at OLYMP CDL with installment plan 0-0-6 from Halyk Bank

Now residents of Almaty can take tests in OLYMP CDL branches with the possibility of installment plan 0-0-3 or 0-0-6 from Halyk Bank. Thanks to the installment plan, you have the opportunity to check your health on modern equipment with highly accurate results!

The addresses where the installment plan is valid are listed below:


Aksai microdistrict 4, building 39

Utegen batyr st., 73

Zhandosov st., 1B

Gagarin st.,151

Orbita 3 microdistrict, Toraigyrov st., 16

Akkent microdistrict, building 38

Makataev st.,196

Nazarbayev st., 46, apt. 166

Shevchenko st., 89B

Seifullin st.,101

Kazakhfilm microdistrict, Mamyr st.,2a

Tekeliyskaya st.,1b

Zhunissov st.,8/1

Kokzhiek microdistrict, building 54

Ashimova st.,1B

Pushkin st.,28

Zhuldyz microdistrict 2,building 55

Tole bi st.,83

Timiryazev st.,31

Akan Sery st., 2/4, corner of Sholokhov

Khaliullina st.,32

Shevchenko st.,89B

Tole bi st.,277

Residential complex Kaspi, building 142, 67

Ainabulak 2, Residential complex Ayna 3, building 40A ,17

Zhaskanat microdistrict, 381/1

Kalkaman microdistrict 2 building 89

Tynyshbaeva st.,3 office 114

Any questions? Contact us