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New! Updated "Radiant Skin" Beauty Profile

17,380 ₸ Instead21,940 ₸

Radiant Skin Beauty Profile gives the opportunity to find out the cause of acne and pale skin tone.


Updated Profile:

Profile Composition:


Price individually: 21 940 KZT

Profile price: 17 380 KZT


Ferritin – the most reliable anemia marker. Pale dry skin is one of the signs of anemia

TSH (ultrasensitive) – metabolic activity marker. 

Estradiol – the main and most reliable indicator of the hormonal health of the female body.

Testosterone – balance/imbalance of the hormonal system can be talked about in correlation with estradiol levels.

DHEA-sulphate (dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate) – one of the functions of this hormone is to regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands. Excess sebum activity can lead to acne.

IgЕ (Е immunoglobulin) - to rule out an allergic reaction aggravation.

Glycosylated haemoglobin – to assess blood sugar concentrations over the last 3 months. Non-healing pustular skin lesions are one of the signs of diabetes mellitus. Diabetes mellitus can also cause protein deficiency due to kidney damage and increased protein breakdown.

Total Protein- protein is an important component for the skin cells construction (including collagen). The lack of protein slows down the process of skin renewal, externally manifested in increased dryness, flaking.

Since there are hormones in the profile, women are required to take the profile on day 3-7 of their cycle.


Sampling material: venous blood




The profile is available in all treatment rooms across Kazakhstan.