Determination of Ig G to nematodes of the genus Anisakis (Anisakis)

Infection with anisakides is a fairly new phenomenon for Kazakhstan. But with the prevalence of traditional Japanese cuisine in Kazakhstan, the problem has become relevant for us. Since the use of raw and slightly salted fish products of oceanic origin, of course, carries risks of infection.

Infection with nematodes of the genus Anisakis is most common in coastal countries, where eating raw seafood is part of traditional cuisine. The greatest danger is the consumption of raw cod, herring and mackerel, as well as varieties of "red fish". Analysis have shown that up to 98% of mackerel and 94% of cod fish markets in coastal countries are infected with these worms.

Products and dishes that are dangerous in terms of anisakidosis infection:

  • sushi, sashimi, rolls (Japanese cuisine)
  • salted and smoked herring
  • glavlaks (Scandinavian cuisine)
  • salmon lomi-lomi (Pacific Islands)
  • sevish (South America)
  • pickled anchovies and raw mackerel (Spain)

Currently, there is an increase in the incidence of anisakidosis everywhere, which may be due to the growing popularity of raw seafood.

Depending on the affected part of the gastrointestinal tract, there are gastric and intestinal forms. Stomach damage is more often acute, accompanied by intense abdominal pain, fever, nausea, vomiting. The intestinal form often proceeds in waves with periods of deterioration in the form of abdominal pain. Its rare but dangerous complications are acute intestinal obstruction, intestinal perforation, ascites and pneumoperitoneum, and allergic reactions. With intestinal perforation and larvae entering the abdominal cavity, damage to the pancreas, liver, ovaries, pleura and subcutaneous tissue is observed. In addition, anisakidosis can be accompanied by a pronounced allergic response and occur in the form of hives, angioedema and anaphylactic reaction.